4th Annual Food Drive Benefitting The Lowcountry Food Bank
Join us for our 4th Annual Holiday Food Drive Benefitting The Lowcountry Food Bank. You can safely drop off non-perishable canned food items as well as new/unused baby and hygiene items to the collection boxes located at the Sea Island Builders office, Sullivan's Island Town Hall, the Poe Library and The Island Club beginning Monday, December 7 through Friday, December 11. You can also make a monetary donation directly to the LCFB in lieu of canned goods via our team fundraising page at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/seaislandbuilders . Questions? Contact Sea Island Builders at 843-883-7430
Items most needed include: tuna & canned meats, low sugar cereal, peanut butter, whole grain rice and pasta, oats, 100% fruit juice, canned fruits and vegetables, low sodium soups and stews, personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, and baby items.
Poverty often limits the choices a family can make for the dinner table and is linked to many diet-related diseases. The Lowcountry Food Bank provides both the education and nutritious options needed by partner agencies and schools that serve our community's most vulnerable. With 1 out of 5 children in our area relying on soup kitchens and pantries for dinner, it's imperative that comprehensive services be provided, ensuring health and wellness from the cradle through college and beyond. Thank you for helping us give back and support those who need it most in our community. #seathedifference
What: Holiday Food Drive Benefitting The Lowcountry Food Bank
When: Monday, December 7 - Friday, December 11
Where: Sea Island Builders Office, 2113 Middle Street, Sullivan's Island