By Guest on Friday, 22 May 2015
Category: Advice for Potential Clients

Galvalume Roofing versus Copper Roofing: Pros and Cons

Galvalume Roofing on a Sea Island Builder Home

When you’re remodeling your home, deciding what to do with your roof is generally considered to be one of the least glamorous questions you’ll have to ask yourself. But the truth is that roofing technology is advancing at a surprising rate, and new trends in roofing styles are starting to turn this once-humdrum topic into something that can be really exciting. When they’re done right, roofs can add a great deal of aesthetic value to your home.

Lately, metal roofs have been coming back into vogue across the United States. Metal roofs are great options because they’re durable, eco-friendly, and available in a number of styles. There are countless metal roofing options available for you to choose from, but two of the most popular right now are Galvalume roofing and copper roofing. Both of these materials have their advantages and disadvantages.

Galvalume Roofing

is a great option for a number of reasons—it’s stylish, it’s durable, and perhaps most excitingly, it’s energy efficient. Galvalume does an exceptional job of reflecting heat, which means that a Galvalume roof is great for keeping cool on hot summer days; it will essentially act as a giant umbrella to shade your house during sunny days.

The breakdown on Galvalume roofing:

Copper Roofing

In the metal roofing world, copper has been a longtime favorite for builders and homeowners alike. Many architects love copper roofs simply because they’re gorgeous, but another added benefit is that they are virtually maintenance-free.

The breakdown on copper roofing:

Both copper and Galvalume are great options if you’re looking to make the switch to metal roofing. Both options are durable, gorgeous, and eco-friendly.

Another alternative metal material to consider is a solid aluminum roof. They fall in the middle price-wise at $12 per square foot and offer a solid warranty.

If you’re ready to begin your new roofing project, or if you just want to discuss your options, get in touch with the professionals at Sea Island Builders today.

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